Thrive Architect Nest Column Inside Column

Jan 20, 2019
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In today's competitive online landscape, having a visually appealing and user-friendly website is key to success. One of the most effective ways to enhance the design and layout of your webpages is by utilizing nested columns inside columns. This advanced technique can be easily achieved using Thrive Architect, a powerful page builder tool. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various benefits and practical applications of nesting columns inside columns.

The Power of Nested Columns

Nested columns inside columns unleash a whole new dimension of design possibilities for your website. By dividing your content into smaller sections within sections, you can create a visually stunning layout that captures the attention of your visitors. This technique allows for greater flexibility in arranging different elements, such as images, text, and multimedia, within your webpage.

Enhanced User Engagement

With nested columns, you can present your content in a more organized and visually appealing manner, resulting in improved user engagement. By breaking down complex information into smaller, digestible sections, visitors can easily navigate through your content and find the information they need. This not only enhances their overall browsing experience but also increases the likelihood of them staying longer on your website.

Optimized Mobile Experience

In today's mobile-dominated era, having a responsive website is crucial. Nesting columns inside columns allows you to optimize your website for mobile devices. With Thrive Architect, you can easily adjust the column widths, spacings, and alignments to ensure that your website looks stunning on any screen size. This adaptability is essential for providing a seamless browsing experience across all devices and maximizing user satisfaction.

Practical Applications

The application of nested columns inside columns is vast, limited only by your imagination. Below are some examples of how you can utilize this technique to enhance different aspects of your website:

1. Product Showcases

Showcasing your products effectively is crucial for online sales. By using nested columns, you can create visually attractive product displays that capture the attention of your potential customers. Arrange product images, descriptions, and pricing information within nested columns to create an engaging and informative presentation of your offerings.

2. Service Features

If you offer various services, nesting columns can be used to highlight their key features. Present each service as a separate nested column, providing detailed information about the benefits, pricing, and any additional features. This helps your visitors understand the value you provide and encourages them to take action.

3. Testimonials and Reviews

Credibility plays a significant role in building trust with your website visitors. By using nested columns, you can showcase customer testimonials and reviews effectively. Arrange the testimonial quotes, customer names, and accompanying images within nested columns to provide an appealing and trustworthy display of social proof.

4. Pricing Plans

If you offer different pricing plans or membership tiers, nested columns can assist in displaying the details clearly. Create separate columns for each pricing option, including the plan name, features, and pricing information. This layout facilitates easy comparison and helps your potential customers make an informed decision.

5. Visual Storytelling

Nested columns inside columns can be used creatively to tell a visual story. Whether it's a step-by-step guide, a journey through a process, or a timeline of events, nesting columns allows you to present the information in a visually engaging way. Combine images, text, and multimedia within nested columns to create a captivating storytelling experience on your website.


Thrive Architect's ability to nest columns inside columns is a game-changer when it comes to website design and layout. By implementing this advanced technique, you can create visually stunning webpages that engage your visitors and optimize their browsing experience. Whether you need to showcase products, present services, display testimonials, or tell a visual story, nesting columns inside columns opens up a world of possibilities. Start utilizing this powerful feature today and elevate your website to new heights of success.

Wagl Paul
The article provided a comprehensive guide to using nested columns, making the concept easy to understand. Thank you for sharing such valuable information!
Oct 28, 2023
Brad Arnold
Great tips for enhancing web design!
Oct 16, 2023
This article has shed light on the potential of nested columns in website design. I'm excited to experiment with this concept. Thank you for the valuable information!
Oct 5, 2023
Metji Dewa
Nested columns have always seemed daunting to me, but this article made it seem much more approachable. Thanks for simplifying it!
Sep 23, 2023
Tina Biegel
Nested columns appear to be a game-changer for effective website design. Thank you for the detailed explanation and insights in this article!
Sep 7, 2023
Rafael Baro
The examples provided in the article really showcase the versatility of nested columns. Excited to try them out on my website!
Sep 5, 2023
Ma Shuo
I love how nested columns allow for more creative freedom in designing webpages. Thanks for the helpful tips!
Aug 5, 2023
Linda Russell
The use of nested columns seems like a great way to bring versatility and structure to website design. Thank you for sharing this informative article!
Jul 27, 2023
Vanessa Allen
Nested columns are a brilliant way to add creativity and structure to website layouts. Thank you for the insightful article that shed light on their potential!
Jul 19, 2023
Katrina Adcock
The article provided a clear understanding of how nested columns can be used to enhance website design. Thank you for sharing such valuable insights!
Jul 11, 2023
Carmen Frangiosa
The visuals and explanations in the article really helped in understanding the concept of nested columns. Excited to experiment with this on my website!
Jun 25, 2023
I've always struggled with creating dynamic layouts, but nested columns seem like the perfect solution. Thanks for the guidance!
May 18, 2023
Srinu Reddy
The step-by-step guide in the article really helped in understanding the concept of nested columns. Can't wait to implement it on my website!
Apr 30, 2023
Gabrielle Kersey
Nested columns appear to have a significant impact on website design. Thank you for showcasing their potential in this article!
Apr 28, 2023
Kristen Foster
Using nested columns to create visually rich website layouts is a brilliant idea. This article provided a clear understanding of the process. Thank you!
Jan 17, 2023
Tanu Goswami
I'm always looking for ways to enhance my website's layout, and nested columns seem like a great solution. Thanks for the inspiration!
Oct 16, 2022
Cody Dailey
Nested columns seem like a great way to add depth and interest to website layouts. This article provided a clear understanding of the process. Thank you!
Sep 17, 2022
Sorab Bisht
Using nested columns seems like a great way to add visual interest and flexibility to website design. Thank you for the insightful article!
Sep 10, 2022
Dustin Vowell
Great tutorial! Nested columns really help in creating a dynamic and professional layout. Thanks for sharing!
Sep 9, 2022
Nick Tsotsikyan
Nested columns are a powerful technique for creating visually captivating website layouts. Thanks for the great explanation in this article!
Sep 3, 2022
Paul Lions
Nested columns seem like a powerful tool for creating engaging website layouts. This article was very informative. Thank you!
Jul 18, 2022
Suhai S
The use of nested columns in website layouts seems like a game-changer. This article provided a clear understanding of their potential. Thank you for sharing!
Apr 25, 2022
Hispanic Corp
Thank you for breaking down the process of using nested columns. The visuals and explanations were very helpful.
Feb 26, 2022
Frank Stillo
Your article has opened my eyes to the possibilities of using nested columns in website design. I can't wait to see how it transforms my website. Thank you!
Feb 20, 2022
Walt Moquin
Nested columns are an exciting way to add depth and creativity to website design. This article has inspired me to give it a try on my own site. Thank you!
Jan 23, 2022
Ben D'Silva
Your article has provided a fresh perspective on how to use nested columns in website design. I'm eager to experiment with this technique. Thank you!
Jan 8, 2022
Larkins Carvalho
Using nested columns to enhance website design seems like a powerful strategy. The article provided a clear understanding of the process. Thank you!
Dec 29, 2021
Tracy George
Nested columns are a game-changer for website design. Can't wait to put this into practice. Thanks for the informative article!
Dec 7, 2021
Cronin Vining
The insights shared in this article regarding nested columns have given me a new perspective on website design. Excited to see how it transforms my site. Thank you!
Dec 2, 2021
Carl Clapp
I've never considered using nested columns before, but your article has convinced me of their power. Can't wait to see how it transforms my website. Thank you!
Nov 24, 2021
Katherine Baker
I'm excited to see how nested columns can transform the look and feel of my website. Thanks for the informative article.
Aug 30, 2021
Jeffrey Green
Thanks for showing how nested columns can elevate website design. I'm eager to give this a try on my own site!
Aug 27, 2021
Anthony Robinson
The step-by-step guide made it easy for me to understand the concept. Can't wait to implement this on my website.
Aug 12, 2021
Cassandra Hadfield
This technique is a game-changer! My website's design is going to be so much more versatile and engaging now.
Jul 1, 2021
Sarmad Saghir
I love how nested columns can help in creating more visually appealing website layouts. Thanks for sharing this insightful article!
Jun 17, 2021
Nested columns are a powerful tool for creating eye-catching website layouts. Thanks for the detailed explanation!
Jun 3, 2021
Adrian Panazzolo
The examples provided in the article illustrated how nested columns can create rich and dynamic website layouts. Thank you for sharing such valuable information!
Apr 28, 2021
Thanks for the comprehensive guide on using nested columns to enhance website design. Looking forward to applying this to my site!
Apr 20, 2021
Alissa Materman
I've been looking for ways to make my website more engaging, and nested columns seem like the perfect solution. Thanks for the insights shared in this article!
Mar 20, 2021
Elana Chapman
The visuals in the article really helped me understand the concept of nesting columns. Excited to apply this to my website!
Mar 13, 2021
Siddhartha Doma
Your article provided a clear understanding of nested columns and how they can enhance website design. Can't wait to implement this on my site. Thank you!
Mar 4, 2021
David Ranno
I'm eager to experiment with nested columns on my website after reading this article. Thank you for the clear explanations and insights!
Feb 25, 2021
Edaan Getzel
Thank you for providing such an informative article on the benefits of using nested columns in website design. I'm excited to explore this further!
Jan 22, 2021
Joe Nedland
I've struggled with layout design in the past, but nested columns seem like the solution I've been looking for. Thanks for the informative article!
Jan 21, 2021
Shankar Arumugavelu
The article provided a great overview of using nested columns to improve website design. I'm looking forward to trying out these techniques. Thank you!
Jan 8, 2021
Jessica Lynch
The use of nested columns seems like a powerful strategy for enhancing website design. Thank you for sharing this valuable information in the article!
Dec 29, 2020
Veronica Seitz
I appreciate the detailed walkthrough on using nested columns. It's definitely a game-changer for me.
Nov 27, 2020
Courtney Dyson
I'm inspired to experiment with nested columns on my website after reading this article. Thanks for sharing such valuable information!
Nov 24, 2020
Jose Reyes
Nested columns seem like an effective way to create visually appealing web layouts. This article provided a clear understanding of the process. Thank you!
Oct 31, 2020
Scott Narug
The step-by-step explanation in the article was really helpful in understanding how to use nested columns effectively. Thank you for sharing this valuable information!
Oct 28, 2020
Rick Burkhart
This article has inspired me to experiment with nested columns. The possibilities for website design seem limitless now. Thanks for the valuable information!
Oct 26, 2020
I love how nested columns can bring a sense of organization and structure to website layouts. Thanks for the helpful tips!
Sep 30, 2020
Rosa Rodriguez
I've been searching for ways to improve my website's layout, and nested columns seem like the perfect solution. Thanks for the guidance shared in this article!
Sep 19, 2020
Dani Nadel
The tips and examples provided in the article made it easy to grasp the concept of nested columns. Looking forward to implementing this on my website. Thank you!
Sep 18, 2020
Angel Ilagan
I've struggled with creating engaging website layouts, but this article has given me a new perspective on using nested columns. Thank you!
May 19, 2020
Russell Phillips
The screenshots in the article really helped me understand how to implement nested columns effectively. Great job!
Apr 24, 2020
Bob Grimsley
Nested columns are an exciting concept for creating dynamic website layouts. Thank you for the valuable insights provided in this article!
Apr 12, 2020
Hubert Zajicek
Nested columns are a real game-changer for website layouts. Thank you for sharing this insightful article!
Feb 28, 2020
Shaquanna Perkiss
I never realized the potential of nested columns until I read this article. It's going to revolutionize my website's layout.
Feb 26, 2020
Giovanni Mari
The explanation of nested columns was easy to follow. Looking forward to using this technique to improve my website's layout.
Feb 21, 2020
Brian Thomas
The detailed walkthrough on using nested columns was really helpful and easy to follow. Can't wait to apply this to my website. Thanks for the valuable information!
Feb 5, 2020
Nadine Salman
I've been looking for ways to make my website more visually appealing, and nested columns seem like the perfect solution. Thanks for the insights!
Feb 3, 2020
Elizabeth Engel
This article has highlighted the impact of nested columns on website design. I'm excited to explore this concept further. Thank you for the valuable insights!
Jan 22, 2020
Annette Fionda
Using nested columns to enhance website design is a brilliant idea. The article provided a clear understanding of how to implement this technique. Thank you!
Jan 14, 2020
Robert Fulford
The use of nested columns really adds depth and structure to the website design. It's an essential skill to master.
Jan 8, 2020
Meghan Murphy
The examples provided in the article really illustrate the power of nested columns. Can't wait to experiment with this!
Nov 8, 2019
Kim O'Gorman
I've been looking for ways to improve the visual appeal of my website, and nested columns seem like an excellent solution. Thanks for the informative article!
Nov 8, 2019
Amy Aldrich
I've never explored nested columns before, but this article has piqued my interest. Can't wait to see how it enhances my website's design!
Sep 17, 2019
Feigie Berliner
I've been struggling with nested columns, but this article explained it so clearly. Can't wait to try it out on my website!
Sep 8, 2019
Liz Zurawski
The tips and tricks for nesting columns were really helpful. Can't wait to apply them to my website's layout. Thanks for sharing!
Aug 19, 2019
Rob Oleyar
The use of nested columns makes website design seem more versatile and dynamic. Can't wait to apply these principles to my site. Thank you!
Jul 10, 2019
Lee Washington
The potential of nested columns in website design is truly fascinating. Thank you for the insightful article that provided a clear understanding of this technique!
Jul 6, 2019
Alexia Gouttebroze
I've been looking for ways to add depth and interest to my website layouts, and nested columns seem like the perfect solution. Thanks for the guidance shared in this article!
Jul 4, 2019
Jason Keown
The tips and tricks for nesting columns inside columns are so valuable. Can't wait to incorporate them into my website.
Jun 15, 2019
Remove Solis
I'm excited to incorporate nested columns into my website design after reading this article. Thank you for sharing such valuable insights!
Apr 24, 2019
Hugo Hugo
I never knew nested columns could make such a difference in website design. This article provided great insight. Thank you!
Mar 12, 2019
The Brownstone
This article has opened my eyes to the possibilities of nested columns in website design. Can't wait to see how it transforms my site!
Feb 24, 2019